Notice to Moderators and Speakers

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

You are required to disclose any conflict of interest you may have in accordance with the rules and regulations.
Oral presenters: If you are required to declare a conflict of interest, please include the below.
COI Disclosure Statement with your presentation slides.
Poster presenters: If you are required to declare a conflict of interest, please print out the below. Presenter’s COI Disclosure Statement and paste it on your poster panel.

If there is no conflict of interest
If there is a conflict of interest

Presentation Time

Friday, September 8th

VenueTimeSessionAbbreviationLanguage Slides
Room 214:00-14:40Educational Lecture 1EL1JapaneseEnglishKorean and Japanese 30min 10min
14:40-15:20Educational Lecture 2EL2JapaneseEnglishKorean and Japanese30min10min
15:20-16:05Mini Workshop 3MWS3Japanese or KoreanEnglishKorean and Japanese5min2min
16:15-16:45Coffee Break Seminar 2CB2JapaneseEnglishKorean and Japanese30min
16:50-17:40Workshop 4WS4JapaneseEnglishKorean and Japanese8min5min
Room 316:00-16:45Mini Panel Discussion 1MPD1JapaneseEnglish5min2min
17:40-18:55KSACS Joint Poster SessionKJPEnglishEnglish5min3min

Saturday, September 9th

Room 111:10-12:10Special Educational SeminarSELEnglishEnglish 50min10min
Room 29:00-9:35Mini Panel Discussion 2MPD2JapaneseEnglishKorean and Japanese5min2min
9:35-10:05Mini Workshop 4MWS4JapaneseEnglishKorean and Japanese5min2min
10:05-11:05KSACS Special Joint SessionKJSJapanese or KoreanEnglishKorean and Japanese6min2min
11:05-12:15Workshop 3WS3Japanese or KoreanEnglishKorean and Japanese8min5min
12:25-13:25Luncheon Seminar 4LS4JapaneseEnglishKorean and Japanese50min10min
14:05-14:25Panel Discussion Keynote SpeechPD-KLJapaneseEnglishKorean and Japanese20min
14:25-16:25Panel DiscussionPDJapanese or KoreanEnglishKorean and Japanese10min2min
Room 316:30-17:45KSACS Joint Poster SessionKJPEnglishEnglish5min3min

Notice about presentation time

Yellow warning sign notifies you 1 minute before the end of your presentation.
Red warning sign indicates that you have already exceeded the time limit.
We appreciate your corporation in time management.

Instructions for Speakers

PC preview desk

3rd floor Lobby at Royton Sapporo

Open hours

Friday, September 8th 8:00 - 19:00
Saturday, September 9th 7:30 - 17:45

  • All speakers are requested to come to the PC preview desk at least 30 minutes
    prior to the presentation time to verify if the data functions work properly on the provided equipment.


  • OS: Windows 7 or later
  • Power Point: 2010/2013/2016/2017
  • Presentation should be made in English.
  • For Macintosh users, please bring your own laptop computer and a connecter conversion adapter if necessary.

Preparation of PowerPoint presentation

  • PowerPoint presentation should be written in English.
  • Speakers will be able to make a presentation in Korean because there will be a simultaneous
  • Bring your presentation on a USB memory device or CD-R.
  • Your name and program number should be included in the file name.
  • In case of using video files, you should bring your own laptop and make sure that the data is applicable to Windows Media Player.
  • Only the standard fonts with Windows7 (OS) (Arial, Arial Black, Century, Century Gothic,
    Times New Roman) are accepted for the presentation file, and other fonts may not be displayed properly.
  • In order to avoid virus infection, please scan your presentation file with updated anti-virus software beforehand.

Length of Presentation

  • KSACS Special Joint Session
    6 minutes for each presentation and 2 minutes for questions
  • Workshop 3
    8 minutes for each presentation and 5 minutes for questions
  • Panel Discussion
    10 minutes for each presentation, 2 minutes for questions and 36 minutes for general discussion

Poster Session at Room 3 / Poster Room A

Preparation for Poster Session

  • The maximum size of a poster is 90cm wide and 180cm high, Program number and pushpins will be provided.
  • The presentation title, the affiliation and the presenter's name should be prepared by yourself.
  • Posters in KSACS joint poster session should be written in English.
  • Speakers in KSACS joint poster session should make their presentation in English.
    *Simultaneous interpreter is not available

Length of Presentation

  • 8 minutes for each session (5 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion)
Date Friday,September 8thSaturday,September 9th
VenuePoster Room A Poster Room BPoster Room APoster Room B
Royton Hall DEmerald ARoyton Hall DEmerald A
Poster Number KJP1 - 3、
P01 - P11
P12 - P15 KJP4 - 5、
P016 - P28
P29 - P32
Preparation7:30 - 12:308:00 - 9:50
Presentation17:40 - 18:5516:30 - 17:45
Removal18:55 - 19:1017:55 - 18:10

Notice to Moderators

To Moderators for Oral Speaker

  • Please complete the registration at least 20 minutes prior to your session.
  • Please be seated on the next chair’s seat 15 minuets prior to your session. Move up to the stage at the same time of the previous moderator moves off the stage. We appreciated your kind corporation on site.